AjaxView for Dynamic Web 2.0 App Performance Profiling

Tweet If you are new to AjaxView, read my previous post Ajax View – Rewrite Web App Code at Production Stage.  In this post, I am going to identify performance bottleneck of this blog site without touching the soul of my blog using AjaxView.  If you do not have AjaxView, download it from http://tinyurl.com/ajax-view-download. Start [...]

Ajax View – Rewrite Web App Code at Production Stage

Tweet Problem Monitor and control the client side behavior of a web application without modifying the current implementation normally in the case of production stage. Forces Finding client side performance of a web application in the production environment. Making changes or adding instrumentation on client side code at production stage is dangerous. HTTP profiling tools do not [...]

IE 8 – Setting the Web Standard

Tweet Microsoft released Internet Explorer 8.0 a couple of days before.  When I installed RC1 months before, I had experienced some page crashes and degrade in performance and usability.  The most critical thing was loading “about:Tab” / “about:blank”. The final release of IE 8.0 is impressed me lot not only for its performance and usability (of course, [...]

.NET RIA Services – Ingredient for Fast Food Silverlight App

Tweet Problem Consume the application logic from presentation tier with domain entities those are specialized for this tier with minimal plumbing. Forces Set of code (validation, authentication, etc) to be written specific to presentation tier and the same needs to be written specific to business tier. Automated way to share the logic between the tiers with trusted boundaries. Agile way [...]