WCF Claims, STS and Federation – Layman’s View – 2

Tweet In the previous post, we have seen the service configuration of WCF federation.  In this post, let us see the STS configuration.  In the STS’s configuration file, it is mentioned in element.  The STS service contract is declared in Udooz.ISecurityTokenService and implementation is resided in Udooz.SecurityTokenService.      The message security mode is [...]

WCF Claims, STS and Federation – Layman’s View

Tweet Configuring your Federation I’m here to explain WCF claims in federated services using STS (security token service) from a layman’s perspective.  I’ve started with the set of configuration you have to put in place on web.config under system.serviceModel to make your service in federated way.  Instead of very boring textual explanation, I’m explaining in comic [...]

Cumbersomeness Web.Config

Tweet People who are in .NET arena might encounter the plethora of xxx.config files especially web.config.  It is a required devil for placing any configuration settings for your applications.  We should appreciate the effort taken by the engineers at Microsoft for introducing (at that time, Java’s configuration approach is very immature) and providing a declarative approach, centralized and optimistic [...]