.NET-Sploit: Exploit .NET Framework

Though it is an uncommon attack, but it highlights the backdoor of Virtual Machine such as .NET, JVM. Rootkit is a system which consists of programs designed to hide or obscure the fact that a system has been compromised.  – Wikipedia  .NET-Sploit is a tool which is used to build MSIL rootkit that enables the user to [...]

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CLR Improvements in .NET 3.5 SP1

When I was downloading the SP1 of .NET 3.5 months before, I did not realized that there are some CLR improvements in that release apart from some new features such as ADO.NET data services, improved WCF, etc.  The improvements are expected to be in .NET 4.0 (CLR 4.0?), however .NET 3.5 SP1 has some CLR [...]

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AjaxView for Dynamic Web 2.0 App Performance Profiling

If you are new to AjaxView, read my previous post Ajax View – Rewrite Web App Code at Production Stage.  In this post, I am going to identify performance bottleneck of this blog site without touching the soul of my blog using AjaxView.  If you do not have AjaxView, download it from http://tinyurl.com/ajax-view-download. Start Walking [...]

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Ajax View – Rewrite Web App Code at Production Stage

Problem Monitor and control the client side behavior of a web application without modifying the current implementation normally in the case of production stage. Forces Finding client side performance of a web application in the production environment. Making changes or adding instrumentation on client side code at production stage is dangerous. HTTP profiling tools do not provide [...]

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