
Book Review: Architecting Mobile Solutions for the Enterprise by Dino Esposito, O’Reilly

Dino Esposito is the iconic author in Microsoft Press.  His book “.NET: Architecting for Enterprise” is one of my favorite.  Sequel to this, this book covers wide variety of patterns in addition to practical approaches on various mobile development problems. First six chapters are worthful sharing of mobile development experience.  The remaining five chapters are splendid collections [...]

Developer Review – Mobile Design Pattern Gallery, Theresa Neil, O’Reilly

Introduction After her notable “Designing  Web Interfaces”, Theresa Neil come up with the UI pattern gallery for Mobile applications.  In this book, she lists out excellent set of UI design patterns  under nine different categories like Navigation, Forms, Tables & Lists, etc. In Detail This book has 10 chapters with one Appendix.  The first nine [...]

Which Mobile Platform…as a developer?

This is the million dollar question in the developer world.  Definitely mobile is the next big focus which will replace our laptop/desktop sooner.  So, only servers and gadgets will be there in future. But as a developer, which one is best….better….or right platform to learn and develop.  If you think, Android or Apple iOS4…you may be [...]
