Author Archives: udooz

WCAT – Simple Performance Test Tool for your .NET web app

WCAT (Web Capacity Analysis Tool) is a tiny but excellent tool from Microsoft to perform load test your web application on IIS.  This tool enables you to do performance analysis on various scenarios of your web application.  All “perfmon” performance counters (like processor time, private bytes usage,  disk queue length,  total bytes sent or received

ILSpy: alternate to Reflector

RedGate recently announced that sooner it will make some money from Reflector. Developers from Mono space invented ILSpy alternate to this. Though it is early stage, will be a better alternate.

To get to know much about developing Facebook applications using a server side, I have chosen with Koala for Rails.  For .NET, Facebook C# SDK is being well supported by Microsoft also (  In this post, I explain how to use Koala in your Rails applications.  As any Facebook app, the prerequisite  are:

Facebook account (of

WCF Claims, STS and Federation – Layman’s View – 2

In the previous post, we have seen the service configuration of WCF federation.  In this post, let us see the STS configuration. 
In the STS’s configuration file, it is mentioned in element. 







The STS service contract is declared in Udooz.ISecurityTokenService and implementation is resided in Udooz.SecurityTokenService. 
The message

WCF Claims, STS and Federation – Layman’s View

Configuring your Federation
I’m here to explain WCF claims in federated services using STS (security token service) from a layman’s perspective.  I’ve started with the set of configuration you have to put in place on web.config under system.serviceModel to make your service in federated way.  Instead of very boring textual explanation, I’m explaining in comic way. 
This is

Cumbersomeness Web.Config

People who are in .NET arena might encounter the plethora of xxx.config files especially web.config.  It is a required devil for placing any configuration settings for your applications.  We should appreciate the effort taken by the engineers at Microsoft for introducing (at that time, Java’s configuration approach is very immature) and providing a declarative approach, centralized and optimistic way

.NET DLR: Will die?

Though my main stream is on C#, I personally like Ruby.  I was quite surprised that Microsoft started focusing on non-C family languages, those are actually coming from *nix world.  Couple of years back when Microsoft released the notes about Dynamic Language Runtime which is something like Java implementation languages like JRuby, Scala.  DLR has been scoped to

Which Mobile Platform…as a developer?

This is the million dollar question in the developer world.  Definitely mobile is the next big focus which will replace our laptop/desktop sooner.  So, only servers and gadgets will be there in future.
But as a developer, which one is best….better….or right platform to learn and develop.  If you think, Android or Apple iOS4…you may be wrong,

Ubuntu’s Lucid: More Humanity

As a fan of Ubuntu for last three years, awaiting its version 10.4, for its LTS (long term support) mode which in turn gives surprising features makes me more humanize:
Social integrated within the system using Gwibber so that we can enjoy twitter, face book natively.
Booting is boosted with some major tweaks for example HAL has

Beware of SCA if you are in WCF

Today, a technology newsletter carried with an article about SCA (Service Component Architecture) which is outshone at IBM campus along with BEA.  Is it a another SOA specification?  Is it a SOA framework? or, alternate to SOA?  Michael Rowley who is the author/architect/inventor of this said that it depends.  Confused.  Yes, it has been mentioned that SOA